Our Work

My New Life - Settlement Project


'My New Life' will provide the necessary resources to improve mental health and well-being, develop social networks and encourage successful settlement into Australian society.

Proudly funded by Cumberland City Council’s Community Grants Program.

Swimming Through Hoops - Refugee Youth Swimming Project


Refugee children learn the basics of swimming and water safety. This project directly addresses drowning issues in the community.

Women’s Sewing Classes


The Statement of Attainment in Produce a Simple Garment provides vocational training in all exciting areas of fashion design.

For more info or project enquiries, email: info@womenswelfare.org.au or contact us here.

Past Projects

Independent Woman: Her Business Workshops

Sew and create fashion pieces while learning to set up your small business with fashion designer Gina Barjeel.

Creating Connections Sessions

Learn about the support services available within the LGA and connect with other refugee and migrant women.

Gardening Friends Club

Cultivate your gardening skills while connecting with nature and new friendships.